Culture, education, science

Women are catching up in education
In recent decades, women have almost closed the gap with men as far as education is concerned. On average girls perform better than boys during compulsory education, they attend schools of further education more frequently, more girls than boys attain school-leaving certificates entitling them to attend university  and the numbers achieving university degrees have also risen considerably.

Continued gender-typical career and study choices
The differences in educational choices made by men and women have hardly changed. Young men prefer technical disciplines and occupations, while young women are much more likely to choose courses and careers in healthcare, arts and social sciences, social work or teaching.

Making women visible
Not simply the proportion of women, but also the substantial focus of education and science is a gender equality issue. The aim here, among other things, must be to make women more visible and to allow their voices to be heard to a greater extent.

Women's and gender studies
Although women's and gender studies has become established as a separate research field, it is still little recognized and struggles to find financial support.

Position paper: Culture/Religion

Further relevant publications and position papers by the FCWI are available in German, French and, partly, in Italian.

Further information