
The Federal Commission for Women's Issues FCWI comprises: Plenary, Executive Committee, President, Working Groups, Secretariat.


The Plenary is the Commission's most senior body. It comprises 20 members and usually meets four times a year at the invitation of the President. The Plenary is responsible in particular for signing off the budget, agreeing the annual programme and projects, as well as approving position papers and reports.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee comprises the President and two Vice-Presidents. It meets six to eight times a year. Among other things it is responsible for: preparing the plenary sessions and implementing resolutions; taking decisions on current and urgent matters; coordinating the activities of the Working Groups and individual representatives; appointing external experts for projects and hearings.


The President represents the Commission in public, invites members to sessions and chairs sessions of the Plenary and the Executive Committee.

Working Groups

Working Groups carry out preparatory tasks for the Commission, conduct research or monitor projects. They submit regular reports on their activities to the Plenary. They are dissolved once their task has been completed.


The Secretariat participates in meetings of the Plenary, the Executive Committee and the Working Groups. It regularly reports to the Executive Committee and the Commission on its activities on behalf of the Commission.

The Director of the Secretariat attends all the meetings of the Commission in an advisory capacity.