Publications: Overview

Most documents on the situation of women in Switzerland are available in German, French or Italian. For instance, our position papers on legislation, articles published in our periodical on women's issues (Frauenfragen / Questions au féminin / Questioni femminili), along with studies and recommendations of the FCWI are available in German, French or Italian.

The following FCWI publications are available in English:

Women’s rights and human rights: How can the existing international momentum be put to better use in Switzerland’s gender equality policy? (PDF, 239 kB, 05.01.2010)Abridged version of the report on a study carried out on behalf of the Swiss Federal Commission for Women’s Issues. Berne 2008. 12 p.

Publications of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (SFSO) on the subject of gender equality:

Internationally comparable indicators on gender equality in English can be found under the following link:

Last modification 16.01.2017

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